Monday, June 8, 2020

Bristol , Edward Colston & The Toppled Statue

I don't think anyone can have missed the news re the statue of Edward Colston being toppled during a black lives matter demo in Bristol and subsequently being rolled into the River Avon. Until this moment many people, including me, had no idea of the history of slave trading in the UK, especially in Bristol, it's a history that has been hidden.

Bristol Astrology Chart
The hidden history of Bristol's slave trade is perhaps shown by moon, ruler of the second house of money and property, intercepted in Aries in the 11th. The 11th shows the money and property of those in power (2nd from the 10th).

It's interesting that Bristol's Saturn is at 0 degrees Aquarius, so a Saturn return is underway, past deeds are being reevaluated and found wanting.

I'm not going to go into the ins and outs of Colston's chart  but if we look when his statue was toppled, 7th June 2020 time unknown, we see Moon transiting over his natal Saturn and Mars, apt symbolism for the public toppling his statue.

Colston transits 7th June

For an insight into Colston I refer you to this post from Hilary Kemp at Facebook

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